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Exporting Query Results

Only in DbVisualizer Pro

This feature is only available in the DbVisualizer Pro edition.

Instead of viewing query results in Result Set grids, you can export the result of one or more queries to a file. For very large results, this may be the preferred choice due to memory constraints.

To export a query result, create a script with

  1. an @export on command,
  2. an @export set command,
  3. one or more queries,
  4. an @export off command.

Here is a basic example:

@export on;
@export set filename="c:\Backups\Orders.csv";
select * from Orders;
@export off;

The @export set command takes a parameter name followed by an equal sign and a value. You can use the following parameters, where only filename is required and all names are case-insensitive:

Parameter Default Valid Values
AppendFile false true, false, clear (i.e. start with a new file for the first result and then append to it)
BinaryFileDir Path for data files when BinaryFormat is set to File, see Exporting a Table for details. Note! Variables for column names must include the scope option when entered manually into a script, e.g. /Users/hans/exp/${dbvis-date}$/${COUNTRIES||||||scope=post}$
BinaryFormat Don't Export Don't Export, Size, Value, Hex, Base64, File
BooleanFalseFormat false false, no, 0, off
BooleanTrueFormat true true, yes, 1, on
CLOBFileDir Path for data files when CLOBFormat is set to File, see Exporting a Table for details. Note! Variables for column names must include the scope option when entered manually into a script, e.g. /Users/hans/exp/${dbvis-date}$/${COUNTRIES||||||scope=post}$
CLOBFormat Don't Export Don't Export, Size, Value, File
CsvColumnDelimiter \t (TAB)
CsvIncludeColumnHeader true true, false
CsvIncludeColumnHeaderPerResult false
CsvColumnHeaderIsColumnAlias true true, false
CsvIncludeSQLCommand Don't Include Don't Include, Top, Bottom
CsvSplitFileSize -1 Split the result over multiple files if it is larger than the specified size, or -1 to never split. The size must be specified as size [ g | G | m | M | k | K ]
CsvRemoveNewlines false true, false
CsvRowDelimiter \n \n (UNIX/Linux/macOS), \r\n (Windows)
DateFormat yyyy-MM-dd See valid formats in Changing the Data Display Format document
DecimalNumberFormat Unformatted See valid formats in Changing the Data Display Format document
Destination File File
Encoding UTF-8 Check supported encodings for all encodings. (Use the encoding in the Canonical Name for java.nioAPI column).
ExcelColumnHeaderIsColumnAlias true true, false
ExcelFileFormat Binary Two formats are supported - Binary Excel (xls) supporting export of max 65 535 rows. Specified as "Binary Excel (xls)", "Binary" or "xls" - OOXML, Excel 2007 (xlsx). Specified as "OOXML, Excel 2007 (xlsx)", "OOXML" or "xlsx**"
ExcelIncludeColumnHeader true true, false
ExcelIncludeSQLCommand false true, false
ExcelIntroText Any description
ExcelSheetName Used when exporting to excel. Sets the name of exported excel sheet.
ExcelTextOnly false true, false. Convert numeric values to text in the Excel file if true.
ExcelTextDateTime true true, false. Convert date, time and timestamp data to text in the Excel file if true.
ExcelTitle Any title
Format Based on file extension, or CSV if none CSV, HTML, XML, SQL, XLS, JSON. If Format is not specified, the file extension is used to determine the format. If there is no recognized file extension, CSV is used as the default.
HtmlColumnHeaderIsColumnAlias true true, false
HtmlConvertChars true true, false. Set to false if you have HTML code in the exported data, so that e.g. < and > characters are not converted to &lt; and &gt;
HtmlFooter [ Generated by: DbVisualizer version ] Any text to use in the document footer. Can be set to blank to remove the footer.
HtmlIncludeSQLCommand false true, false
HtmlIntroText Any description
HtmlPerTableHeader E.g. | Date: | 2017-05-31 16:48:23 | | Columns: | 4 | | Table: | COUNTRIES | HTML code that describes the table. To fit into the rest of the HTML code, it must start with <tr> and end with </tr>. The pre-defined DbVisualizer variables can be used, e.g. ${dbvis-object}$ to include the table name.
--- ---
HtmlTitle Any title
JSONColumnHeaderIsColumnAlias true true, false
JSONStyle Array Array, Rows
NumberFormat Unformatted See valid formats in Changing the Data Display Format document
QuoteDuplicateEmbedded true true, false (quote char is the same as QuoteTextData)
QuoteTextData None None, Single, Double
Settings The path to an XML file containing all settings
ShowNullAs (null)
SqlAfterExportStmts Any statements to include in the script after the SQL statements for the exported objects, e.g. set foreign_key_checks = 1;
SqlBeforeExportStmts Any statements to include in the script before the SQL statements for the exported objects, e.g. set foreign_key_checks = 0;
SqlBeginIdentifier Character to use to begin a quoted identifier. Note! To specify a double-quote, you must duplicate it since double-quote is also used to enclose the parameter value.
SqlBlockBeginDelim String to use to begin an SQL block when exporting complex DDL statements using the @ddl command.
SqlBlockEndDelim String to use to end an SQL block
SqlDelimitedIdentifiers true true, false
SqlEndIdentifier Character to use to end a quoted identifier. Note! To specify a double-quote, you must duplicate it since double-quote is also used to enclose the parameter value.
SqlGroupBy Object Object, Statement. Set to Object to generate DROP, CREATE, INSERT, and ALTER statements (where applicable) for each exported object in turn. Set to Statement to group all statements of the same type together, e.g. first DROP statements for all exported objects, then CREATE statements for all exported objects, etc.
SqlIncludeAutoGeneratedValues true Set to false to exclude columns declared as AUTO_INCREMENT or IDENTITY in the INSERT statements.
SqlIncludeCreateDDL false true, false
SqlIncludeSQLCommand Don't Include Don't Include, Top, Bottom
SqlQualifier Qualifier to use when qualifying table names. If not set, DbVisualizer tries to determine the schema and use it as the qualifier.
SqlQualifyColumnName false true, false
SqlQualifyObjectName true true, false
SqlRowCommentIdentifier --
SqlSeparator ; Statement separator character.
SqlSplitFileSize -1 Split the result over multiple files if it is larger than the specified size, or -1 to never split. The size must be specified as size [ g | G | m | M | k | K ]
TableName Can be set if DbVisualizer cannot determine the value for the ${dbvis-object}$ variable
TimeFormat HH:mm:ss See valid formats in Changing the Data Display Format document
TimeStampFormat yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS See valid formats in Changing the Data Display Format document
XmlColumnHeaderIsColumnAlias true true, false
XmlIncludeSQLCommand false true, false
XmlIntroText Any description
XmlStyle DbVisualizer DbVisualizer, XmlDataSet, FlatXmlDataSet

Here are a few examples using some of these settings.

Automatic table name to file mapping

This example shows how to make the filename the same as the table name in the select statement. The example also shows several select statements. Each will be exported in the SQL format. Since the filename is defined to be automatically set, this means that there will be one file per result set and each file is named by the name of its table.

@export on;
@export set filename="c:\Backups\${dbvis-object}$" format="sql";
select * from Orders;
select * from Products;
select * from Transactions;
@export off;

There must be only one table name in a select statement in order to automatically set the filename with the ${dbvis-object}$ variable, i.e if the select joins from several tables or pseudo tables are used, you must explicitly name the file.

The ${dbvis-object}$ variable is not substituted with a table name if using the AppendFile="true/clear" parameter.

Multiple results to a single file

This example shows how all result sets can be exported to a single file. The AppendFile parameter supports the following values.

  • true The following result sets will all be exported to a single file
  • false Turn off the append processing
  • clear Same as the true value but this will in addition clear the file before the first result set is exported
@export on;
@export set filename="c:\Backups\alltables.sql" appendfile="clear" format="sql";
select * from Orders;
select * from Products;
select * from Transactions;
@export off;

Using predefined settings

If you save settings when exporting a table or a schema, you can use the Settings parameter to reference the settings file.

@export on;
@export set settings="c:\tmp\htmlsettings.xml" filename="c:\Backups\${dbvis-object}$";
select * from Orders;
select * from Products;
select * from Transactions;
@export off;

Limit the number of exported rows

You can use the @set maxrows command in combination with the @export command to override the Max Rows field value in the SQL Commander tab toolbar.

@set maxrows 10;
@export on;
@export set filename="c:\Backups\alltables.sql" format="sql";
select * from Orders;
select * from Products;
select * from Transactions;
@export off;

If Max Rows is set to a positive number, you can use the @set maxrows command to set it to -1 to export all rows.

Don't Export